I await you at the end of the line,
Hoping to see you once again to intertwine.I’ve always wanted to love you the same way you did to me,
If I ever did… who would I have to be?
There is nothing that can shake me to the core,
There used to be something from before.
Bare my soul as I fall to my knees in this desolated world,
This could be the last time my hands curled.
Every word is a dying scream,
Everything is a living nightmare than a dream,
I never knew that everything falls downstream,
There was no last gleam.
A dying world is like a dying soul never to be found,
Broken so hollow,
It is all bound…
You expect me to follow?
I gave my life for you and this is what I get?
Every scar that you and I have been through?
This is no bet!
You thought you knew!
Instead you destroyed everything!
I lost the will to sing.
Cage me if you want,
Sure you can taunt,
Leave everything behind to haunt,
Sooner or later one of us will daunt.
No broken soul is left to rot,
There is no reason to fraught.
The broken can’t last forever,
The torture may still be there,
Something will endeavor,
It is not a single scare,
To show the tear,
We both want to dare.
This is bigger than a war,
More than a score,
Until it is blood and gore,
Nothing else but more tasteful for more.
After all the broken can fight,
Because it doesn’t matter in the dark or the light.
At least we fight for ourselves.
To bring back what we’ve lost.